July 30, 2009

I'm in the system!

On the way out of Fargo we saw this really cool diner, old style....

I had to go to Fargo, North Dakota last Thursday for a biometrics appointment. This consisted of taking my fingerprints, photograph and a copy of my signature, fun,fun,fun! We had to drive 3 hours there for a 15 min appointment, that's all it took! Hopefully i'll get my work authorisation sometime VERY soon!

It wasn't all bad though as i got to drag Sonny round a huge art store and we speant about 1 and 1/2 hours in Barnes & Noble, the big bookstore. We had lunch in the coolest place i have ever been in, HuHot! It is a Mongolian restaurant where you go round filling your bowl with ingredients; meat first then noodles, veg and finally whichever sauce you want then you stand in line as the cook you bowl full on this huge hot plate in the centre of the restaurant - 'always shuffling to the left' - as the sign says! Then you get your plate full of cooked food back... mmmm, it was very yummy!!


This is a flood light at Wylie Park, the mosquitoes are so bad! Better that they are drawn to the light rather than drinking our blood! ha ha!

And so the dress was complete...

So, I finally finished my dress, although i was still altering it the day of Dan & Laura's wedding. Needless to say i was running at the last minute as usual... yes i know mum!! Ha ha!
The wedding was at Takoma Park Place which is a place set up for outdoor weddings just on the river although it's a bit close to the road as you can hear the cars passing! It was a really nice day and it was nice to have the excuse to dress up, i think we both scrub up okay!

This pic shows the pattern on the dress better!

July 15, 2009


I have fixed the little problem i was having with people not being able to leave comments. So please feel free to leave me some, big or small, would be great to hear from you! :o)

Time passes so fast!

Sorry I haven't put a post up for nearly a whole month! I can't believe how fast time passes. I have been busy trying to master how to work my new ipod - I have Katy on speed dial for help :o) not sure if she is that happy about it though!
I have photos of us from our friends wedding that i will put up by the end of this week and i think there might be some more....