August 23, 2009

Very Italian!

I saw this cool building in Main Street in Aberdeen the other day. I think it's one of the nicest in the city and i'd love to live here!

Sunday Gardening

Our garden in full. It's mosquito heaven in here!
This is one of our corn patches. It's huge, taller than me!

Our first cob of corn, not sure if it's quite ready yet but we pulled it off to check.

We picked two bags of beans today, we'll be eating them for days!!!

Yummy food from our garden! We are slowly getting food from our garden there are loads of tomatoes but they need to ripen, we have had broccoli for a few weeks and the potatoes are ready too. The veg tastes so much better than shop bought!

August 21, 2009

Dakota Stampede Rodeo!

This cowboy was sitting in front of us and i loved his stetson! Note the toothpicks tucked in the back for those impromptu emergencies! ha ha! :D
Saddle Bronc Riding

Action shot of tie down roping

Tie down roping

Cowboy with lasso

Wow, I went to my first ever proper Rodeo on Tuesday night... it was FANTASTIC! I loved every minute of it!
There was Barrel Racing, Steer Wrestling (wrestling steers with horns to the ground), Bull Riding (bucking bulls just like you see in the films!), Bareback Bronc Riding (bucking horses), Saddle Bronc Riding (same again but with a saddle!) Tie Down Roping (involves lassoing the calf to the ground and tying all four feet together) , Team Roping (where there are two cowboys either side of a calf and one has to rope the horns and the oter had to rope the back legs - looks very difficult!) and not forgetting Mutton Busters! This involves small kids hanging onto the neck of a sheep, the main goal: just hang on!! They were by far my favourite, absolutely hilarious!!!

Mmmmmm... yum!

I thought I'd share with you the joy of my Blueberry Crumb Cake and cup of tea for my break during a busy morning of making things! The cake was delicious! :D

August 20, 2009

Camping at the Missouri.

Prickly Pear Cactus

Sitting Bull Monument

Me & Sonny at the Missouri

The Breakfast Chefs

Here are pictures from our camping adventure to the Missouri River and surrounding area.

Sioux Falls

Hello again... the weeks seem to be flying past and i don't seem to be getting much time to write on here and keep you updated. So here are some photos i should have posted a few weeks ago.

We headed south to Sioux Falls at the end of July for a staff pool party of Sonny's at his bosses house. It was great fun, they have a big pool, baby pool, huge hot tub and a games room. I got to see the main Combined Pool & Spa store - it's huge compare to the one Sonny works in and there are lots more staff compared to just two of them in Aberdeen! The next day we headed into the city and to the Falls which the city is named after. Here are my photos of the Falls.