February 19, 2010

And they say women are bad at cash machine maneuvers...

This has to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time! We pulled up to the cash machine behind this car only to wait until the guy in front (sitting in the back seat of the car) to get his money. The car wasn't close enough to the machine but he was also too lazy to get out of the car so, as you can see, he has the door open - with his arm still through the window! He was even half out of the car at one point! Ha ha! Sonny and I were crying with laughter so I thought i would share this with you although it was much funnier in real life!

Snow, Snow and... more SNOW!!!

As you can see the chicken coop was under a lot of snow, but the chickens are warm and toasty in there don't worry! We have so much snow, although not as much as Washington D.C! Every weekend seems to bring another few inches, more problems on the roads and more moans from everyone but hopefully this weekend will be a nice one with no storms. Even though it's really cold there is still blue sky and sunshine and it is amazing how much better it makes you feel.

The thought of jumping on a plane and heading somewhere hot has crossed my mind... once or twice! ha ha! It would be fantastic just about now!