August 11, 2010

Sturgis 70th Anniversary Rally

Here are some of our pictures from the first day of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. It's a fantastic sight to see! The people living in Sturgis open up their houses and gardens, renting out rooms and tent space or just the front lawn for people to park their bikes - it's crazy! There were so many people and bikes, it was so hot.

The custom bikes are by far the coolest!

August 3, 2010


Thought i'd share this with you, this is a radar map of the storm that we are headed through right now - so much for Summer, it's only 16C!!
* Here are some pictures of the aftermath!

August 1, 2010

Sunshine in a flower

These lovely faces are popping up everywhere at the moment. I thought I'd share them with you and bring some sunshine to your day!

Bear Butte

As I keep being told, it's pronounced 'bute' not 'butt', I think the latter sounds far better! Mato Paha or "Bear Mountain" is the Lakota name given to this site. This geological formation is one of several intrusions of igneous rock in the Black Hills that formed millions of years ago. The mountain is sacred to many American Indian tribes who come here to hold religious ceremonies.

Many American Indians see Bear Butte as a place where the creator has chosen to communicate with them through visions and prayer. There are colorful pieces of cloth and small bundles or pouches hanging from the trees. These prayer cloths and tobacco ties represent the prayers
offered by individuals during their worship. I love the cloth.