July 14, 2010

Just a walk in the park...

Sonny had the great idea of climbing Harney Peak a few of weeks ago, at 7,242 ft it's the highest peak east of the Rockies! The day we went was relatively cool which made for a much easier climb. It was 3.5 miles up to the top and worth every last steep climb once we saw the views from the top. On a clear day you can see four states; South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana, our day wasn't so clear but here are a couple of pic
from the top.

We spent about an hour at the top exploring all the nooks and crannies and getting an all round view of the area. Our bubble burst when we thought about the 3.5 mile walk back down! We made it back and had packed a well deserved beer each which tasted fantastic! We were going to camp in Custer State Park for the night but as every campsite was taken we headed home. Sonny was quite glad to get back to a comfy bed for the night, as was I!

July 9, 2010

Playing at Cowboys!

Yes, we managed to get Katy on a horse, i never thought I'd see the day! Minus mum, the four of us (Sonny on camera duty!) went on a trail ride at the Bluebell Stables in Custer State Park.

There were eight of us happily plodding along, enjoying the sunshine and scenery until we came to a water crossing where, on the other side, were four buffalo crossing over to our side.

This was the first time the people taking us out had seen buffalo on this trail. They very 'calmly' (later we found out they were a bit worried!) led us up the hill while we waited to see which way the buffalo were headed. We quickly decided to move on as the buffalo were headed up the same hill!! Thankfully they headed up and over the hill away from us. There are signs all over the park saying 'buffalo are dangerous, do not approach', it's nice to get close to nature, but not that close!

That is how close they got to us. This little guy didn't seem to be too worried!

Then there was the creek crossing... our feet got a little damp!

After we got back to the stables, safe and sound, and met up with mum, she told us that as she was sitting reading her book, the buffalo had come right through the stables and one of the men had got on a horse and chased them away while cracking his whip! All in all it made for an exciting day!

Custer State Park

This is my favourite place in the Black Hills. It's like a mini Scotland with rolling hills, grasslands, trees, lakes and mountains, the only this missing is the rain and midgies! I feel very at home here! We spent a lot of time here, exploring the Needles
Highway and going through the wildlife loop road where dad and Katy made some new friends!

July 4, 2010


Or caving, as it is better known. One of the days we had terrible thunderstorms and even a tornado watch so we decided that maybe this was the day to go underground. We went to Jewel Cave National Monument. Jewel Cave is the second longest cave in the world, with just over 150 miles of mapped passageways.

Sonny in his element

The image above reminds me of the Doctor Who baddies!

Images are courtesy of Katy and her super duper camera which i didn't manage to steal like I'd hoped!!