July 9, 2010

Playing at Cowboys!

Yes, we managed to get Katy on a horse, i never thought I'd see the day! Minus mum, the four of us (Sonny on camera duty!) went on a trail ride at the Bluebell Stables in Custer State Park.

There were eight of us happily plodding along, enjoying the sunshine and scenery until we came to a water crossing where, on the other side, were four buffalo crossing over to our side.

This was the first time the people taking us out had seen buffalo on this trail. They very 'calmly' (later we found out they were a bit worried!) led us up the hill while we waited to see which way the buffalo were headed. We quickly decided to move on as the buffalo were headed up the same hill!! Thankfully they headed up and over the hill away from us. There are signs all over the park saying 'buffalo are dangerous, do not approach', it's nice to get close to nature, but not that close!

That is how close they got to us. This little guy didn't seem to be too worried!

Then there was the creek crossing... our feet got a little damp!

After we got back to the stables, safe and sound, and met up with mum, she told us that as she was sitting reading her book, the buffalo had come right through the stables and one of the men had got on a horse and chased them away while cracking his whip! All in all it made for an exciting day!

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