October 27, 2010

Pumpkin Decorating

Finally I am back online, we have internet in the apartment and it's so much better! We had a busy weekend with Sonny's mum visiting and I have some pictures to share with you later in the week. I will also take some photos of our apartment to let you see it. 

The weather has taken a nasty turn for the worse here, last week we were in the 20C's and today it is 4C! There is a huge weather system working it's way through the Mid West bringing strong winds and snow. We have managed to miss the snow so far, thankfully!

I found these cool decorated and carved pumpkins over at Martha Stewart and I thought I'd share them with you. I really want to get a couple of pumpkins and have some fun creating the patterned ones. 

 The designs below are from Design*Sponge
there is also a tutorial showing how to make them

October 15, 2010


Just passing through with a quick 'Hello' and that i will be back next week with some proper posts! I'm still busy trying to find the right spot for everything to go and I need to set up my 'studio' space, at the moment it's full of boxes and books, Dad, you'd love it! ha ha! ;o)
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll be back next week with some
fun things!

October 8, 2010

Yes, we have finally managed to find ourselves a lovely little apartment and we are moving in tomorrow! I am busy packing up all our stuff. I'm not sure what our internet options will be when we first move in but I will be back online as soon is possible! Have a great weekend and wish us luck with the move!

October 1, 2010

Welcome October

I know I say this every month, but I can't believe it is October! 2010 has flown by!
Here are some photos of our adventures last weekend in Spearfish Canyon, SD, the colours were absolutely spectacular and the 30C day made it fantastic! Long may the colours continue before the cold weather sets in.

Wow, just looked at my blog archive and i managed to post 12 times in September compare to an average of 4! I will continue to post more often!