September 20, 2010

A Walk in the Woods

We had a somewhat chilly weekend here. It had been in the twenties most of last week and then, wow, 7C on Saturday with fog and rain - a very Scottish day as Sonny calls them! It was a bit of a shock to the system for it to be that cold. It's okay though we are back up to 20C today. I'm just hoping it will get gradually colder and ease us into winter! 
Yesterday we went for a walk at Little Elk Creek, the air was so fresh and crisp and the trees are just starting to turn. I hope they will keep their leaves longer than last year! Here are a few pics from our walk.

This little chap was making a huge racket as we stood under the tree he was in. There were another couple of squirrels on our walk that sounder like they were having a domestic!!

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